C2SMART Announces Student Entrepreneurial Grant Competition

At its roots, engineering is about the invention, design, and development of new products that improve society. To foster this activity among our students, C2SMART is launching an entrepreneurship program in which grants to improve our transportation systems and mobility for all by way of entrepreneurial activity. Up to $5,000 in grants will be available to student teams who wish to begin a new entrepreneurial activity in collaboration with the Center.

Students or student teams can propose an idea that they would like to be supported by a seed grant. Awarded teams will then spend the rest of the school year developing a prototype, investigating the market, and preparing the business plan for the topic with the aid of a faculty mentor. At the end of the spring semester, students will report out on their progress and their future plans for advancing and sustaining the business to an audience that includes C2SMART and other University faculty and staff, identified industry stakeholders, and/or potential investors and clients.

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