Page 7 - Annual Report - interactive demo
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 Principal Investigators
+ Semiha Ergan, NYU
+ Saif Jabari, NYU Abu Dhabi
+ Li Jin, NYU
+ Sarah Kaufman, NYU
+ Constantine Kontokosta, NYU + Don MacKenzie, UW
+ William Raisch, NYU
+ Claudio Silva, NYU
+ Stanislav Sobolevsky, NYU
+ Yinhai Wang, UW
+ Quanyan Zhu, NYU
Affiliated Faculty
+ John Falcocchio, NYU + Chen Feng, NYU
+ Monica Menendez, NYU Abu Dhabi
+ Mitchell Moss, NYU
+ Gina Núñez-Mchiri, UTEP
+ Elena Prassas, NYU
+ Zhong-Ping Jiang, NYU
+ Natalia Villanueva-Rosales, UTEP + Jeffrey Weidner, UTEP
+ Rae Zimmerman, NYU
Affiliated Researchers
+ Bekir Bartin, Altinbas University + Sami Demiroluk, Rutgers
+ Graziano Fiorillo, Rutgers
+ Eric Goldwyn, NYU
+ Onur Kalan, NYU
+ Peng Lou, Rutgers
+ Sandeep Mudigonda, CCNY + Chaekuk Na, Rutgers
+ Carlos Restropo, NYU
+ Amelia Riley-Swan, NYU
 New Faculty Spotlight: Li Jin
Dr. LI Jin joined the faculty at NYU Tandon in Fall 2018 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Urban Engineering and the C2SMART University Transportation Center. He received a B.Eng. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2011, M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University in 2012, and Ph.D. degree in Transportation from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2018. His research focuses on developing performance evaluation and resilient control design algorithms for cyber-physical
systems with guarantees of efficiency in nominal settings, robustness against random perturbations, and survivability under strategic disruptions. The theoretical foundation of his work includes stochastic process, dynamic control, and optimization. Applications of his work include connected and autonomous vehicles, intelligent transportation systems, air transportation, and gas network. He is a recipient of the Ho-Ching and Hang-Ching Fund Award and Schoettler Scholarship Fund.
 C2SMART Center Annual Report 6

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