Traffic signal optimization and coordination in connected cities

Connected vehicles in smart cities, including vehicle to vehicle (V2V), vehicle to infrastructure (V2I), and vehicle to anything (V2X) communications, can provide more opportunities and impose more challenges for urban traffic signal control. This research aims to explore the basic research on developing signal control and coordination methods under the CV environment, and to test the developed methods in traffic simulation, and using real world CV data.

Principal Investigator Xuegang (Jeff) Ban, University of Washington
Funding Source  ($109,186 C2SMART funding + $52,500 University of Washington)
Total Project Cost $163,779
USDOT Award #  69A3551747124
Start and End Dates 3/1/17 – 3/1/18
Implementation of Research Outcomes New signal control and coordination schemes under CV in smart cities

(The results will be demonstrated in traffic simulation, as well as using real world CV data.)

Impacts/Benefits of Implementation (i) provide insight to practitioners about traffic signal control under the CV environment; (ii) train graduate students about signal control, CV, data, and signal optimization and control using CV data; (iii) integrate research findings into undergraduate and graduate courses in transportation for the training and education of next-generation transportation professionals.