Leveraging Bicycle Safety through Emerging Data Collection Technologies

Reliable cycling data is critical for addressing the increase in cyclists fatalities observed in recent years in New York City, and for moving closer to Vision Zero goals. Researchers have made outstanding advances in motor vehicle safety through new technologies in data collection, and it is now possible to extract motor vehicle trajectories using various methods, but challenges remain when collecting data from non-motorized vehicles, such as bicycles. Suzana Duran Bernardes shared her work towards addressing these challenges with the development of an affordable, scalable, and customizable multi-sensor mobile device called BSafe360. This device collects relevant cycling data and currently provides bicycle trajectory, bi-lateral distance from bicycle to obstacles, and deceleration data. Suzana shared her research into its development and how BSafe360 data can be used to improve bicycle safety studies.

Suzana Duran Bernardes is a Ph.D. student in Transportation Planning and Engineering in the Department of Civil and Urban Engineering at New York University Tandon School of Engineering. She completed her Master’s in Transportation Planning and Engineering in 2020 at New York University Tandon School of Engineering. Her Master project involved the development of a novel multi-sensor platform to collect naturalistic cycling data. Suzana focuses on leveraging non-motorized vehicles’ safety studies through new ways of collecting and analyzing data. Her research interests include traffic safety, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), and urban mobility.

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