Molly Seeley

Project Manager at C2SMART center

Molly Seeley completed her MSc in Public Policy and Administration at the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2020 and received her B.A. in Anthropology and Comparative Literature from New York University in 2013.

Prior to coming on board at C2SMART, Molly spent six years at the Institute of Global Homelessness at DePaul University, working with a portfolio of thirteen cities across six countries to measurably and sustainably reduce homelessness. She designed and managed the IGH Resource Hub, a public library of homelessness research and programmatic toolkits with a focus on under-researched areas of the globe. She was also part of the Better Data Project team, which sought to collect, visualize, and evaluate existing global homelessness data in order to improve homelessness reduction monitoring around the globe. Her research projects include An Overview of Global Homelessness and Strategies For Systemic Change and Homelessness Service Systems Responses to COVID-19, which sought to uncover what factors accounted for differing homelessness sector responses to COVID-19 in twenty-two global cities.

At C2SMART, Molly is responsible for overseeing, tracking, and coordinating multiple parallel research efforts undertaken by Principal Investigators, staff, and students. She manages project stakeholders across multiple sectors and is responsible for the organization and facilitation of meetings, workshops, and training to ensure successful technology transfer. Previous work experience includes publishing, sports reporting, nonprofit management, and community-driven grantmaking. She is on the board of NYU’s College Alumni Association.