ITS Deployment Evaluation Program Technical and Program Support


C2SMART researchers are working in partnership with Noblis to provide technical and management support for the ITS Deployment Evaluation program by populating and providing analysis of the ITS Benefits, Costs and Lessons Learned/Best Practices for an ITS Deployment Database. Additionally, C2SMART is providing technical support for modal collaboration on Evidence Based Decision Making (EBDM) to accelerate deployment.

A key feature of this work is the development of a series of detailed, in-depth case studies of ITS deployment projects of interest. These case studies highlight, among other things, an exploration of why a deployment was successful or not, any creative uses of technologies or applications, innovative evaluation or deployment methodologies, and discussions of lessons learned and best practices. The case studies also include interviews with deployers when possible.  C2SMART will also develop a methodology for case study selection, develop a list of initial case study subjects, and a plan for execution of those case studies over time. 

An image of a car underneath a wifi symbol, indicating mobility options with smart technology.

Research Objectives

This project seeks to build a comprehensive and systematic process for knowledge transfer to accelerate deployment of ITS projects. There are three primary outputs associated with this project:

  • Data Collection and Information Synthesis. C2SMART researchers will seek out and asses potential sources of data. They will analyze these sources of data, assess the benefits, costs, and lessons learned from project deployments, and generate a synthesis of this information. 
  • Development of a series of data visualizations. C2SMART will utilize collected data to create easy-to-understand, accessible data visualizations exploring ITS deployment. 
  • Generation of case studies. C2SMART will create case studies evaluation instances of ITS deployment.
  • Knowledge transfer. These sources will be used in webinars, workshops, and policy analyses to ensure transfer.

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Kaan Ozbay

Director, C2SMART
Professor, NYU

Kaan Ozbay is a Co-Principal Investigator on this project.

Jingqin Gao

Senior Research Associate, NYU

Jingqin Gao is a Researcher on this project.

Noblis, inc

Research Agency

Noblis, Inc is a Partner on this project.

