Development and Tech Transfer of an Integrated Robust Traffic State and Parameter Estimation and Adaptive Ramp Metering Control System

Dr. Zhou and Dr. Ozbay found that, if the traffic flow parameters are time-varying and/or the knowledge of these parameters are biased, the performances of a traffic state estimator that has assumed them to be known and fixed-valued can be significantly downgraded. Moreover, only augmenting these parameters into the state vector and then resorting to nonlinear recursive estimation techniques such as extended Kalman filter (EKF) cannot solve the issue. This is because, under a CTM-based traffic estimator, the critical density is unobservable under free-flow conditions, and hence biased initial knowledge of the critical density can cause false switching of the working model of the estimator and distort the estimation afterward.

Statewide Mobility Services Program Strategic Procurement Planning

The current Statewide Active Transportation Demand Management (ATDM) program is nearing the end of its contract period. This assignment will assist NYSDOT in setting a strategic direction and executing a procurement strategy for a new Statewide Mobility Services Program, building on the strengths of the evolving ATDM Program while leveraging the opportunities now available in the private marketplace.